Why is my account suspended?

The most common reason accounts are temporarily suspended is because of unpaid invoices.

When a payment fails to go through, ZenLocator will automatically send you an email notifying you to check the credit card you have on file. It will auto-retry two more times within the next few days. After 2 failed invoice cycles, the system will automatically suspend the account.

How do I get my account unsuspended?

  1. Login to your dashboard at https://app.zenlocator.com/
  2. In the upper-right corner navigate to your account (either by clicking on your name, or hamburger dropdown menu > Account).
  3. Then navigate to Billing > Billingbilling tab.
  4. Either check that your credit card is valid or click "Update Card" to update your credit card information

  5. After the credit card update, the system will automatically retry all of your failed invoices -- if they're successful, it will immediately unsuspend your account

If you have any questions, please feel free to email support@zenlocator.com