What kind of data can be imported?

The importer can process most of the data that's associated with locations. Here's a complete list:

  • Name - the name of the location (eg: "La Boulange").
  • Address - full physical address (eg: "123 Peach St, Athens, GA 30606, United States").
  • Address 1 - split up address line 1 (eg: "123 Peach St").
  • Address 2 - split up address line 2 (eg: "Suite #45").
  • City - split up address city (eg: "Athens").
  • Region - split up address state or region (eg: "Georgia" or "GA").
  • Postcode - split up address zipcode (eg: "30606").
  • Country - split up address country (eg: "United States").
  • Visible Address - the address you'd like your visitors to see (eg: "123 Peach St, Floor 4, Suite #45, Athens, GA 30606, United States"). Can include information that's not a part of the actual physical address.
  • Visible - whether the location should be visible or hidden (eg: "true" or "yes").
  • Featured - whether the location should be featured or not (eg: "false" or "no").
  • Latitude - latitude coordinate (eg: "37.123456").
  • Longitude - longitude coordinate (eg: "-122.123456").
  • Marker - the name of the marker that should be associated with the location (eg: "Default Marker"). If none is provided, a default marker is used. If the name does not exist, a marker will be auto-created.
  • Retailer - the name of the retailer that's linked to the location (eg: "La Boulange"). If the name does not exist, a retailer will be auto-created.
  • Hours - either the name of the hours object (eg: "Normal Hours") that should be linked to the location, or a custom hours string (eg: "mon=7:30-14:00, 14:30-20:00, tue-thu=9:00-21:00, fri=open, sat-sun=closed"). If left blank, the location will not show any hours of operation. If a name is provided and the hours' object does not exist, one will be auto-created.
  • Custom Text - any text that you would like to show when location is opened (eg: visit us at our new location!").
  • Filters - the names of the filters to link to the location (eg: "Filter 1, Filter 2, Filter 3"). If the names do not exist, they will be auto-created.
  • Products - the names of the products to link to the location (eg: "Product 1, Product 2, Product 3"). If the names do not exist, they will be auto-created.

A few notes:

  • The only required data is the location's address. Everything else is optional.
  • You can provide either a full address (address) or a split-up address (address1, address2, city, region, postcode, country).
  • You don't have to create a new spreadsheet to fit our format. When you import, you have the option to map your spreadsheet columns to our fields. However, if you'd like a template, you can download one by going to Locations > Import > Download template.