How ZenLocator tracks and stores data

When you install ZenLocator on your site, we automatically track and store certain standard data fields on users which are core to our service.

How we store data

To ensure we comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulation's (GDPR), we automatically expire data for visitors who have not been seen for 9 months. Here's more detail:

We will automatically delete the IP and location of visitors who have not visited your site in 9 months. If a visitor returns after 9 months they will be treated like a new visitor. This change only impacts visitor data – your account data is unaffected.

How we track data

Below is a full list of data we track:

  1. Web sessions (the number of times a user has visited your site or app).
  2. Last seen (the last day a user visited your site or app).
  3. First seen (the first day a user visited your site or app).
  4. Address/city/country (calculated by user’s IP address location or browser geolocation).
  5. Location open (a user views location information).
  6. Map maximize/minimize (a user maximizes or minimizes the map widget).
  7. Location or area search.
  8. Contact information clicks (a user clicks on location's contact information).
  9. Button clicks (a user clicks on location's button).
  10. OS (the operating system a person is using).
  11. Browser language (the language set by the browser a person is using).
  12. Browser version (the precise version of the browser a person is using).
  13. Browser features (what's enabled on the visitor's browser, for example WebGL support).